Netflix |
Amazon |
@Tokyo is a major connectivity hub supporting Tokyo and Japan, and operates some of the World’s largest colocation datacenters.Our impressive facilities provide a base for leading domestic/international carriers, IX’s, ISP’s and OTT’s to provide their services.Over 1,000 companies from a wide variety of industries leverage the business opportunities that @Tokyo provides as Japan’s largest domestic datacenter provider, and the World’s communication gateway into |
Colt is the New Standard in high bandwidth network and voice services for enterprises and wholesale customers in Europe, Asia and North America’s largest business hubs. |
Softbank |
Yahoo! |
AMS-IX (Amsterdam Internet Exchange) was founded in the early 90s as non-profit, neutral, and independent internet exchange in Amsterdam. Nowadays, AMS-IX processes over 5 Terabits of internet traffic per second during peak hours, and over 800 IP-networks are connected to their platform, making it one of the largest Internet Exchanges in the world. |
IIJ was founded in 1992 as the first Japanese ISP and has become one of In addition, utilizing its knowledge in operating a data center from a service providers point-of-view, IIJ opened Japan’s first commercial modular data center “IZmo” in 2011. This modular data center utilizes outside-air cooling system and has a PUE of 1.1x which results in the reduction ofCO2 emission. The further advance modular data center “co-IZMo/I” is currently running a demonstration project in Lao PDR on how much the data center can reduce on CO2 emission. More about IIJ Modular Data Center, click here. |